Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Criteria for the Mistreatment of Black Individuals

The criteria for mistreating  black individuals seems to be lower compared to white  individuals. The logic seems to be that the mistreatment of black individuals is justified based on their behavior. While it is not surprising for white individuals to use this reasoning it is troubling when black people use this type of logic to justify the mistreatment of black individuals. A black individual can engage in behavior that is identical to a white person and the behavior qualifies the black individual for mistreatment according to other black individuals but it does not qualify the white individual for mistreatment. It appears that some black individuals have so little value to each other that any slight mistake results in black individuals being worthy of mistreatment or being considered an inferior being or "subhuman". Basically for a black individual not to be mistreated they have to be perfect, not do anything wrong at all and make no mistakes therefore disqualifying them for mistreatment. The problem with this type of thinking is that a black individual can be a saint and the mistreatment will come based on their blackness and some black individuals understand this and some do not. Those who understand this seem to adopt this sort of thinking as a type of defense mechanism because they do not want to feel vulnerable so if they can say that a certain behavior caused the mistreatment and not the practice of racism then they can prevent the same thing from happening to themselves by not participating in certain behaviors.

When the behavior and circumstances of two individuals is identical and the only difference is that one of the individuals is black and the other is not the only thing left to base the mistreatment on is the blackness of the individual. This is prevalent in many online discussion boards, websites, comment pages etc. and too often in real life. Where a black person is doing something like dancing, or not using proper grammar, getting drunk, talking loud it is supposed to be proof of black inferiority and some harm is supposed to come to the black individual because they are displaying qualities that make them unfit for being a part of the human species. While white individuals engaging in the same behavior are considered to be having fun and no mention of them deserving harm or being subhuman is mentioned. It's almost as if black people are programmed with the mindset that black people are guilty or have the potential of being guilty of something while white people are innocent and are always innocent and they have to do something extremely bad to prove that they are not innocent and even then they are still considered to be superior and somewhat innocent.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Sexual Attraction Seems to Supersede Ability to Recognize Racism

The possibility of engaging in sexual intercourse seems to  supersede the ability of black individuals to recognize racism.  The way that males behave towards females and the way females behave towards males is different especially if sexual attraction is involved. I think that this difference in behavior that people display towards members of the opposite sex/those they are sexually attracted to has been and continues to be a major contributor to the inability of some black victims of racism to believe that both men and women can practice racism.

In my opinion this it why it seems possible for black females to recognize racism in white females that black males don't and  for black males to recognize racism in white males that black females don't especially when the element of sexual attraction/ the promise and/ or possibility of sexual intercourse is involved. Females and males have the ability to alter or hide their true thoughts, motivations, ideas etc. in order to make themselves appear to be more attractive and/ or increase their likelihood of engaging in sexual intercourse with their desired sexual target. Males will also say and do things in the presence of other males that they would never say or do in the presence of females and females will say and do things in the presence of other females that they would never say or do in the presence of males.

Although it is possible for racist man and racist woman to practice racism while engaging in sexual intercourse or being sexually attracted to black victims of racism, the ability of blacks to recognize racism seems to be completely eliminated in the same situation. Racist pornography is a good example of this.